Thursday, May 31, 2012

Ouchh..That hurt!!

There you came -
Armed, Harmed.
Bang Bang Boom Boom.
I took a beating,
and it hurt.
so bad, I couldnt get back.

The strange bit is,
I wasnt caught unawares -
Saw it coming, in a way waiting.
and yet in denial,
till I was numb.
So dumb, I fell mum.

It hurts. And it doesnt.
I am blue. But its not new.
Why then this time did I flee.
Guess I might have over estimated me.
My defenses werent enough this time.
Try me again, once again, one more time.

Look me in the eye,
Tell me I didnt try.
There was the world and then there was you.
My haven, my refuge, my you.
Now you are far amongst the crowd.
And even if I try, I cant find you.

So, here I am.
Singing our song,
boring happy and long,
while you while away,
In a land far away.
And I am at best, and most likely,
a not so fond memory.

I found my promised land my dear,
But I am afraid our rainbow isnt here.
I guess it was just a funny dream.
Reality isnt so colorful afterall.
I am wide wide awake,
and all I feel is a choking heartache.

No, dont come back.
I have built these walls,
when you declared your war,
Now, this has grown on me - the darkness,
Its amazing what we can get used to,
No more wishes, and I had so few!

I accept defeat.
Let my punishment be this -
That we let me be.
That we never get to be, Us again.
That you move on, And I stay.
In my dungeons. Guarded. While the rainbow comes your way.

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B said...
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