Wednesday, October 9, 2013


Till the sun pours
Out from the iron grills of my window
Onto your beautiful skin,

Till my heart dashes and races
And skips several beats before
it runs out of breath,

Till my eyes tire
And finally manage to leave
Your face,

Let me not miss one more bit of you
Let me be spent on you
And make a beautiful vulgar poetry out of this.

And repeat.

Note to self - Part 3

Some days you will find yourself talking back to that tired face in the mirror. When it will become difficult to believe that those red haunted eyes staring back are yours. And those days you will know that you have been tested. And that you are alone in this. And that's when you will know that in those testing times, you gotta have your own back. That you have to be the hero in your story. And that you will not wait to be saved. You will splash your face with ice cold water, and slap yourself back into reality. You will not fall into the trap of self destruction. You will not let anyone else destroy who you are. It is your own duty to clear the mess and be okay. You have no choice but to be okay. No one else can and will do it for you.