Monday, May 6, 2013

Note to self - Part 2

You will always make mistakes. You are human. But you would be stupid to make them again. As difficult as it is or might be to let of the ghost of the past, the ghost of the future, as scary as it may seem, is for yours to create and/or destroy. So, while you may be struggling with the sadness of leaving something or someone behind, remember that the train has left the station. Now, it’s for you to know where you get down. I want to make it sound poetic and dreamy, because in many ways, it is. It is what makes for interesting lives. It is what makes for experiences, struggles and rainbows. And maybe you haven’t found your rainbow yet because you have been looking at the wrong places. Widen your horizon. Open your eyes. Reach out. And Relax. Rediscover your equilibrium. Trust me, you’ll do just fine. And yes, it is easier said than done.


Unknown said...

Good one ....

B said...
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