Tuesday, February 5, 2013

What is love?

“Love is a complicated feeling and everyone loves in their own way. But I do think I got this much right – if you do not feel that putting a smile on their face is a good enough reason to do anything for your partner, I wouldn't say that you are not in love then, but you definitely have not experienced the best part about it.”

LOVE. I think we are just scared of this word.  Like we are scared of words like commitment and compromise. Language or speech can sometimes, and actually quite rarely, be a deterrent in expressing human emotions. I think I know why. When you tell someone you love them, you are extending your feelings beyond yourself. You are putting yourselves out there. You are making yourselves vulnerable.

When someone becomes so much a part of your being that there is no question of liking or disliking things about them anymore, because they become you and you, them.  When you fight with no prejudice or fear, just like you do with yourself, because you fight for clarity and not judgement. When you don’t worry who’s got your back, because you know they have and you have theirs – invariably and without fail. And when they make mistakes, and this is the tough part, you feel betrayed and yet in your heart you forgive them and give them a chance to make amends. When love doesn't have to be spelled, it just shows. And finally, this one comes with time, and not easily, When there is no doubt whatsoever, and no confusion, and no second thoughts.When you just know.

And no, its never a check list. It does not have one right definition. And like someone said to me, in what seems like a different life now, Everyone loves in their own way. 


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