Wednesday, May 12, 2010

This fleeting..

I looked everywhere, In and around
Did everything, nowhere to be found.
I ran after it, it ran away
Cried for it, every night and day.
I lost sleep over it, it did not relent.
The more I lamented, the farther it went.

Bruised in my element, faith fell apart,
Shallow in my head, a hole in my heart.
I gave up and I surrendered,
Did not find it, never will - I feared.
I let destiny hold my reluctant hand,
Doubts subsided, Now I understand.

Honest to myself, Honest to my thought,
My battle is mine alone to be fought
The path ahead left me lost and confused,
In love, I found my peace, my refuge.
A new chapter begins, as the old curtains close.
Today makes sense because its you I chose.

Sunshine made its way through the crack,
The sparkle in my eye is flashing back
Not sure yet if I found the fugitive,
No more chasing it, never was my captive
More I think about you, I care about it less,
Anyhow its such a fleeting thing, this happiness.


batt said...

beautiful :)

SS said...

Thanks :-)

Anonymous said...

Awakening is enlightment..and love in any form is righteous of all the ways...very good to see the literary blood flowing again

B said...
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