Thursday, August 6, 2009


I can feel it now.
The emptyness. The black hole.
Sucking me into it.
Eating me alive.

Survive I will.
For what, I dont know.
I have forgotten the warmth of a heart,
The wetness of a tear, I know well.

A day,
When I know what I want to be.
And where I want be.
When I am me.

I long.
For clarity.
For that day.
For finding me.

Touch me.
Find me.
Keep me.
Take me away.

From feeling this feeling.
From having something that others would long to have.
From not wanting what I have.
From not being me.

On second thoughts,
I am alright.
I always have been.
I will be in the end.

Why do I end with a hope?
Why dont I give up?
Why do I keep fighting?
And yet I know it all comes full circle,
In this mirage of life.


Hunk said...
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Gaurav Verma said...

Good one snigdha...:)