Sunday, October 26, 2008

Trust I seek…

… I find in you?

"I Trust you."
Well, how many people actually mean it, without any lingering, remotely accessed, thoughts in their heads? I for one, do. That I have felt and said it very little, since I started doing those things, shall be another subject of discussion.

So, why can’t we trust? Because someone we trusted betrayed us and it hurts so bad that we find it hard to trust someone again. Okay, I am not trying to give you a crash course on trust here, just getting around towards the point.

And why do we trust again? Because someone reassures us that the world is not that bad a place to live in after all. And whether that is true or false, they somehow make you believe that. And you feel better. And you feel safer.

Hm..What if you trust your car driver just enough not to wear the safety belt, and he loses control, only to catch you off guard, bumping your head against the front glass, leaving you bleeding like a dog? Maybe the situation is not that comparable. You can trust the driver and still wear a seat belt just because you don’t trust the roads enough- there may be bumps for all you know OR you don’t trust other cars that try to come on to yours!

But it is. So what if there are bumps, isn’t a responsible driver supposed to slow down when there are? And there will be bad and bigger and better cars trying to get their way, it does not mean you give in.

But your choice it is. To trust or be on the safer side. But when you say it, mean it, even if it comes at the cost of hurting more than when you don’t. Just coz it feels better while it lasts. And oh! Always have a feeling that it will. It might well do!

"I trust you."


tropical seagull said...

and thats why i choose to believe that life's one loong search for someone you can actually trust. actually makes sense that way. though you'll have to make sure you mantle's strong enough.

B said...
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